Thursday, March 5, 2020

I'm still alive pt. 2

I just rediscovered this joyous blog I created years ago. I still have no idea why I created it, or for what reason I've decided to engage with it again. It's certainly never going to get any traffic; blogger isn't exactly a hopping place right now. I don't think it ever was, to be honest. What even happened to fun, weird blogs like this anyways? I tried looking for some the other day, but I swear it's impossible. They're probably all on Tumblr. I never did learn how to use that platform. Maybe one day...

But in the meantime, I'm back, and I'm ready to party. I'm in my last semester of college, and I'm ready to shut that thing down. It's time to escape the bondage of education only to fall into a spiraling pit of crushing responsibility and job hunting. Huzzah!

Might as well make this fun though, right?

More to follow (probably, lol, nothing's going to stop me from contributing more to this dead blog!)

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