Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Quest for Food

It's funny what lengths people will go to to get their food.

The other day I was driving down a boulevard and there were three lanes going one way. We were all going about the same speed and traveling down the boulevard like good little cars. I was in the middle lane.

All of a sudden, this car that's in the third lane over on the right, veers across two lanes and hurls itself into a McDonald's parking lot on the opposite side of the road. 

I swear it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. 

It just showed the desperation and split second panic someone had when they realized that they were about to pass the food place they wanted to go to because they were too many lanes over. They had a decision to make; turn around and try again, or risk their life and the lives of others by cutting across two lanes in their quest for fast food.

Eh, it's Mcdonalds, it's worth it.

Friday, June 10, 2016

An Ode to Night Owls

It is 12:47,
I should have been in bed by eleven.
Staying up late is easy,
Getting up early makes me queasy.
Sure, I get up at 8:30,
But where's the joy in going to bed early?
"You'll regret it tomorrow,"
My rational side hisses
"Tell it to my lawyer!
"It's what heart wishes!"
I will stay up for hours,
Watching my favorite show,
Nothing will stop me!
Sleep, I don't know!
My eyelids are drooping,
My head is stooping,
Signs to go to bed?
Nah! I'll just keep on looping.
12:47 has passed,
2:00 AM is here,
Goodbye morning happiness,
Hello angry sneer.
Night owl,
It is what I am named,
My spirit is restless,
Refusing to be tamed.
