1. Why is my face have the word ace in it? Like, my face is the ace in the hole.
2. Why don’t lizards have wings? What if there were a bunch of lizards perched outside on my roof right now, and one leaned down looking through top corner of my window and hissed at me? (checks window).
3. I wish snow was made out of chocolate milk. Then the snow would actually be chocolate ice cream and when it melted on your tongue, it would transform into cold, frothy chocolate milk.
4. What if we’ve already been taken over by aliens and they’ve just given up on trying to take over the hard way and have settled for taking over through politics?
5. What if really useless junk was worth a lot? Like, if a bunch of people were arguing over buying someone’s old toothbrush? What if people only wanted useless junk for the memories attached to them? What if memories were a currency?! Argh! (mind blown).
6. If I could ask a seagull for one word of wisdom what would it say?
7. What if there was this period of time every year, where water creatures could only breath air for a little while, and air creatures could only breath water for a little while? Imagine people walking around trying to look sophisticated with giant bags of water on their heads!
8. Do animals have different languages like humans?
9. If fire was a liquid what would it taste like?
10. If the air was a solid color, would every other object have to be clear?