Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Thoughts at 12:46 AM...

1. Why is my face have the word ace in it? Like, my face is the ace in the hole.

2. Why don’t lizards have wings? What if there were a bunch of lizards perched outside on my roof right now, and one leaned down looking through top corner of my window and hissed at me? (checks window).

3. I wish snow was made out of chocolate milk. Then the snow would actually be chocolate ice cream and when it melted on your tongue, it would transform into cold, frothy chocolate milk.

4. What if we’ve already been taken over by aliens and they’ve just given up on trying to take over the hard way and have settled for taking over through politics?

5. What if really useless junk was worth a lot? Like, if a bunch of people were arguing over buying someone’s old toothbrush? What if people only wanted useless junk for the memories attached to them? What if memories were a currency?! Argh! (mind blown).

6. If I could ask a seagull for one word of wisdom what would it say?

7. What if there was this period of time every year, where water creatures could only breath air for a little while, and air creatures could only breath water for a little while? Imagine people walking around trying to look sophisticated with giant bags of water on their heads!

8. Do animals have different languages like humans?

9. If fire was a liquid what would it taste like?

10. If the air was a solid color, would every other object have to be clear?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Doodle 4: Ghost Hunter

Another picture! This one actually turned out pretty good!
This guy seems pretty happy that he discovered the ancient castle of Haunting. Hopefully it won't take him long to realize that a curious entity has taken an interest in him.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Does Youtube want me to learn Spanish?

I get that the commercials played on Youtube have no idea what I’m interested in. They’ve settled for desperately throwing out the most randomized products in hopes that I’ll be slightly interested in purchasing them. For months I’ve been bombarded with ziploc baggy, shampoo, laundry detergent, paper towel, and toothpaste commercials. I’m fine with it, okay? I get that advertising happens; I’ve made my unstable peace with that. But the one thing that I do not understand, is the fact that these same commercials that I’ve seen played over and over again, have suddenly switched over to advertising their products in Spanish. I think the people in charge of this are thinking: “Oh, she’s not buying is she? Hm, well, I guess all we can do now is teach this uncultured swine how to speak a different language.”

I mean, I don’t see any other logic behind them playing a bunch of commercials in Spanish. They seriously can’t be thinking, “let’s just make it harder for her to understand what we’re selling by putting it in a different language!” That would certainly be counterproductive. Or maybe they’re hoping that I’ll think that the toothpaste and paper towels are exotic, and I’ll be all like:

“No no! I won’t settle for any old English toothpaste! Only Spanish toothpaste will do!”

Who knows? But one thing that I do know, is that some companies will go all out and film their commercials with the actors speaking in Spanish, while others settle for Spanish voice overs. I think that they’re hoping that I won’t notice the actors mouths don’t exactly match up with the Spanish words being said. It’s like, “I’ve already seen this same commercial 200 million times in English, do you seriously think I’m not aware that the kid’s mouth doesn’t move when he says siĆ©ntate?”

Anyways, the main lesson to take away from this, is that advertisements do not make sense, and they are only trying to catch your attention long enough for you to give them your money. So everyone please donate 100 million dollars to me. Thank you.

Doodle 3: Human in the Hat

So one day I thought, what if the roles were reversed?
And so, this little beauty was made.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Doodle 2: Lava Territory

I drew another picture, enjoy!                                        :)

Once again, I have no explanation. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Listening to the Radio at 3:00 AM...

So, I'm up at like, 3:00 AM right now, and I decided to listen to a random rock radio station in my area. I did it because I was wondering if there was an actual DJ up at this horrible hour, talking in-between songs. What I discovered, much to my confusion, was a bunch of commercials being played over the air. What's the point? Who in the world listens to the radio at 3 AM other than truck drivers? I would think they would want to save their commercial time for when most of the population is awake. It just doesn't make sense!

I really don't know why I'm getting so worked up over this. I guess things that should make logical sense to a sleep-deprived person at 3 AM in the morning but doesn't, is more upsetting than a well-rested person who has the common sense to think about things that actually matter.

My common sense has fallen asleep...

I am refusing to follow suit...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The truth about the quiet ones

Why does everyone always assume that if someone is quiet they are normal? Quietness is just a form of hidden insanity.
. .

Doodle 1: In the sky

Here's something lovely I drew. Enjoy.                                                           enjoy...

I really don't know what's going on in this picture. Add a scenario if you want my nonexistent followers.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Just sitting here, watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at 1:00 Am.
Livin' the dream.

" "

what am I doing with my life?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

An Ode to Burgoo

Like a shoe
Only it's a stew
I love you